Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29th, 2011

I just turned 37 yesterday and I decided I wanted something to focus on for 2012.

I will travel through the alphabet trying new , to me, fruits and veggies throughout the year.  I am already a lover of many fruits and veggies and I believe I have tried and or like most everything out there.  I want to see what else there is to discover and see if I can add to the every day repertoire of my daily meals.  I want to blog about the origin of each new item I try and use it in a recipe and let you know how it turned out and if I would be willing to make it again.  Blog along with me or try the recipes yourselves and let me know how they turn out.
I am not known for sticking to something with much regularity so I am going to aim for a new recipe each Wednesday starting January 4th 2012, but don't hold your breath on the date.  I will get one in each week I just can't say with certainty it will be on the same day of the week each week.  I am aiming for cooking through the alphabet twice to achieve one new one each week for the entire Year.

Wish me luck.